
en Fruits and food   »   ad Пхъэшъхьэ-мышъхьэхэр ыкIи гъомлапхъэхэр

15 [fifteen]

Fruits and food

Fruits and food

15 [пшIыкIутфы]

15 [pshIykIutfy]

Пхъэшъхьэ-мышъхьэхэр ыкIи гъомлапхъэхэр

[Phjeshh'je-myshh'jehjer ykIi gomlaphjehjer]

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English (UK) Adyghe Play More
I have a strawberry. Сэ---м-- -иI. С- ц---- с--- С- ц-м-э с-I- ------------- Сэ цумпэ сиI. 0
S-- c-m-je s--. S-- c----- s--- S-e c-m-j- s-I- --------------- Sje cumpje siI.
I have a kiwi and a melon. С- --в- ык----аш- -иI. С- к--- ы--- н--- с--- С- к-в- ы-I- н-ш- с-I- ---------------------- Сэ киви ыкIи нашэ сиI. 0
Sj---i-- --Ii n--h-- --I. S-- k--- y--- n----- s--- S-e k-v- y-I- n-s-j- s-I- ------------------------- Sje kivi ykIi nashje siI.
I have an orange and a grapefruit. Сэ а-е-ь--н-ы-Iи -р--пф------I. С- а------- ы--- г-------- с--- С- а-е-ь-и- ы-I- г-е-п-р-т с-I- ------------------------------- Сэ апельсин ыкIи грейпфрут сиI. 0
S-e---el'--- ykI- -re-pf------I. S-- a------- y--- g-------- s--- S-e a-e-'-i- y-I- g-e-p-r-t s-I- -------------------------------- Sje apel'sin ykIi grejpfrut siI.
I have an apple and a mango. С--мы-э------кIи м-н-о-с--. С- м------- ы--- м---- с--- С- м-I-р-с- ы-I- м-н-о с-I- --------------------------- Сэ мыIэрысэ ыкIи манго сиI. 0
S---m-I-erysj- ykIi ---------. S-- m--------- y--- m---- s--- S-e m-I-e-y-j- y-I- m-n-o s-I- ------------------------------ Sje myIjerysje ykIi mango siI.
I have a banana and a pineapple. С- ----н----и -на-ас сиI. С- б---- ы--- а----- с--- С- б-н-н ы-I- а-а-а- с-I- ------------------------- Сэ банан ыкIи ананас сиI. 0
Sj--b-nan--k----na-a- -i-. S-- b---- y--- a----- s--- S-e b-n-n y-I- a-a-a- s-I- -------------------------- Sje banan ykIi ananas siI.
I am making a fruit salad. Сэ---ъэш-хьэ-м-шъх-- -а--т-с--I-. С- п---------------- с---- с----- С- п-ъ-ш-х-э-м-ш-х-э с-л-т с-ш-ы- --------------------------------- Сэ пхъэшъхьэ-мышъхьэ салат сэшIы. 0
Sje---j---h--e-my---'-e---lat s--shIy. S-- p------------------ s---- s------- S-e p-j-s-h-j---y-h-'-e s-l-t s-e-h-y- -------------------------------------- Sje phjeshh'je-myshh'je salat sjeshIy.
I am eating toast. Сэ-тост с--х-. С- т--- с----- С- т-с- с-ш-ы- -------------- Сэ тост сэшхы. 0
S-- to-- s-eshhy. S-- t--- s------- S-e t-s- s-e-h-y- ----------------- Sje tost sjeshhy.
I am eating toast with butter. Сэ-т---ы- т--у-д----хы. С- т----- т--- д------- С- т-с-ы- т-ъ- д-с-ш-ы- ----------------------- Сэ тостым тхъу дэсэшхы. 0
S-e---s-ym--h--d-e-j--h--. S-- t----- t-- d---------- S-e t-s-y- t-u d-e-j-s-h-. -------------------------- Sje tostym thu djesjeshhy.
I am eating toast with butter and jam. Сэ-т-с-ы- тх---э д-ем-э дэ-эшхы. С- т----- т----- д----- д------- С- т-с-ы- т-ъ-р- д-е-р- д-с-ш-ы- -------------------------------- Сэ тостым тхъурэ джемрэ дэсэшхы. 0
Sj- -os----t-u--e ---emr-e -jes-e---y. S-- t----- t----- d------- d---------- S-e t-s-y- t-u-j- d-h-m-j- d-e-j-s-h-. -------------------------------------- Sje tostym thurje dzhemrje djesjeshhy.
I am eating a sandwich. С- -энд-и- ---хы. С- с------ с----- С- с-н-в-ч с-ш-ы- ----------------- Сэ сэндвич сэшхы. 0
Sje---e-d-------esh-y. S-- s-------- s------- S-e s-e-d-i-h s-e-h-y- ---------------------- Sje sjendvich sjeshhy.
I am eating a sandwich with margarine. С--с-н--ичы- мар-ар---дэ-эшх-. С- с-------- м------- д------- С- с-н-в-ч-м м-р-а-и- д-с-ш-ы- ------------------------------ Сэ сэндвичым маргарин дэсэшхы. 0
Sj---je--v--hym-m--ga-i- ----jes-h-. S-- s---------- m------- d---------- S-e s-e-d-i-h-m m-r-a-i- d-e-j-s-h-. ------------------------------------ Sje sjendvichym margarin djesjeshhy.
I am eating a sandwich with margarine and tomatoes. Сэ сэ--вичы- м---ар---э-п-мидо--- -----хы. С- с-------- м--------- п-------- д------- С- с-н-в-ч-м м-р-а-и-р- п-м-д-р-э д-с-ш-ы- ------------------------------------------ Сэ сэндвичым маргаринрэ помидоррэ дэсэшхы. 0
Sj--s-endvi---m ---ga---rj- -om-d--r-e --e--e---y. S-- s---------- m---------- p--------- d---------- S-e s-e-d-i-h-m m-r-a-i-r-e p-m-d-r-j- d-e-j-s-h-. -------------------------------------------------- Sje sjendvichym margarinrje pomidorrje djesjeshhy.
We need bread and rice. Т- х-а-ы----- п--д--э -ищ-к----. Т- х--------- п------ т--------- Т- х-а-ы-ъ-р- п-н-ж-э т-щ-к-а-ъ- -------------------------------- Тэ хьалыгъурэ пынджрэ тищыкIагъ. 0
Tje -'-lygu--- pyn--h--- t--hhy--ag. T-- h--------- p-------- t---------- T-e h-a-y-u-j- p-n-z-r-e t-s-h-k-a-. ------------------------------------ Tje h'alygurje pyndzhrje tishhykIag.
We need fish and steaks. Тэ-п---ъ---ыкI- лы-тищыкI-г-. Т- п------ ы--- л- т--------- Т- п-э-ъ-е ы-I- л- т-щ-к-а-ъ- ----------------------------- Тэ пцэжъые ыкIи лы тищыкIагъ. 0
T-- ----z--- -k-- ---tis-hy---g. T-- p------- y--- l- t---------- T-e p-j-z-y- y-I- l- t-s-h-k-a-. -------------------------------- Tje pcjezhye ykIi ly tishhykIag.
We need pizza and spaghetti. Тэ п------к---спаг-тт- т--ы-Iаг-. Т- п---- ы--- с------- т--------- Т- п-ц-э ы-I- с-а-е-т- т-щ-к-а-ъ- --------------------------------- Тэ пиццэ ыкIи спагетти тищыкIагъ. 0
Tje---c-je-y-Ii s--ge-ti -i--h-kI-g. T-- p----- y--- s------- t---------- T-e p-c-j- y-I- s-a-e-t- t-s-h-k-a-. ------------------------------------ Tje piccje ykIi spagetti tishhykIag.
What else do we need? С-д д--р--т----I-г---? С-- д---- т----------- С-д д-ы-и т-щ-к-а-ъ-р- ---------------------- Сыд джыри тищыкIагъэр? 0
Syd------i --sh-ykIa-j-r? S-- d----- t------------- S-d d-h-r- t-s-h-k-a-j-r- ------------------------- Syd dzhyri tishhykIagjer?
We need carrots and tomatoes for the soup. Т--п-ъ--ы--и по----р--- -ьан--ъуп--м-па---ищы-I-г-эх. Т- п--- ы--- п--------- х----------- п-- т----------- Т- п-ъ- ы-I- п-м-д-р-э- х-а-т-ъ-п-ы- п-е т-щ-к-а-ъ-х- ----------------------------------------------------- Тэ пхъы ыкIи помидорхэр хьантхъупсым пае тищыкIагъэх. 0
Tje p---ykIi--om-d-r---- -'anthup-y--pae-t----yk---j-h. T-- p-- y--- p---------- h---------- p-- t------------- T-e p-y y-I- p-m-d-r-j-r h-a-t-u-s-m p-e t-s-h-k-a-j-h- ------------------------------------------------------- Tje phy ykIi pomidorhjer h'anthupsym pae tishhykIagjeh.
Where is the supermarket? С-пер--рке--р ты-э-щы-? С------------ т--- щ--- С-п-р-а-к-т-р т-д- щ-I- ----------------------- Супермаркетыр тыдэ щыI? 0
Su-er---k-ty-----j----h--? S------------ t---- s----- S-p-r-a-k-t-r t-d-e s-h-I- -------------------------- Supermarketyr tydje shhyI?

Media and language

Our language is also influenced by media. New media play an especially large role here. A whole language has emerged from text messages, email and chatting. This media language is of course different in every country. Certain characteristics, however, are found in all media languages. Above all, speed is important for us users. Although we write, we want to generate a live communication. Meaning, we want to exchange information as quickly as possible. So we simulate a real conversation. In this way, our language has developed a verbal character. Words or sentences are often shortened. Grammar and punctuation rules are generally ignored. Our spelling is looser, and prepositions are often missing completely. Feelings are only seldom expressed in media language. Here we prefer to use so-called emoticons. These are symbols that are meant to indicate what we're feeling at the moment. There are also distinct codes for texting and a slang for chat communication. Media language is therefore a very reduced language. But it is used by all (users) in a similar way. Studies show that education or intellect don't make a difference. Young people especially like using media language. That's why critics believe that our language is in danger. Science sees the phenomenon less pessimistically. Because children can differentiate when and how they should write. Experts believe that the new media language even has advantages. Because it can promote children's language skills and creativity. And: More is being written today – not letters, but emails! We're happy about this!
Did you know?
Georgian is spoken by approximately 4 million people. Georgian is counted among the southern Caucasian languages. It is written in its own semiotic system, the Georgian alphabet. This writing system has 33 letters. They have the same sequence as the Greek alphabet. However, the Georgian writing system is most likely derived from that of the Aramaic language. In Georgian it is typical to have many consonants follow each other. Many Georgian words are therefore difficult for foreigners to pronounce. The grammar is also not very easy. It contains many elements that do not exist in any other language. Georgian vocabulary reveals a lot about the history of the Caucasus. It contains many words that were adopted from other languages. Among them are Greek, Persian, Arabic, Russian and Turkish. But the special thing about Georgian is its long tradition. Georgian is among the oldest living languages of the civilized world!